The holiday blitz starts earlier and earlier every year and 2009 is no exception. This year we started seeing promo pictures and items creeping up as early as mid September! That's how I know that my Juicy Christmas list is going to be very, very long. Which is good and bad -- good because I love seeing what new stuff they're coming up with and bad because I never actually ask anyone to buy this stuff for me! My Juicy obsession is all independent. ;)
First on my list? This sparrow statue (available at Bloomingdale's). I love birds. I love pink. Mix them up and I'm sure to want it. I don't really care for the earrings so much; they're supposed to have small skulls on them but I will probably take them off and use this to either hang charms (weird?) or one of my other pairs of Juicy hoops. The sparrow also comes in a green color with silver hoops, and there's a bust statue that comes in pink and green, each one with a necklace. I couldn't make a decision on the bust based on photos; it's something I'd need to see in person. The face looked a little funny to me.
The next things I must have are the miniature charm sets (available at Nordstrom's)! I'm all over the travel and film ones and can't wait to see just how tiny the charms are. I don't care so much for the bracelet itself; I really just want to use the tiny charms in groups on a gold chain I have. I'm very very excited for these and hope that Juicy puts out a few more sets like this in different themes (maybe animals, sweet treats, under the sea?). The price for each set is a little steep at $78 but it's not bad if you break it down between the 5 small charms and bracelet.
Apart from those items, there are several charms on my list.. obviously! The present, the mitten, the ballerina, the gold cupcake, and the tiered cake. The bust statue was on there until I saw photos of it -- now I'm not so sure. But I pre-ordered it sight unseen on a whim so it's on it's way to me now. Fingers crossed that I love it waaaay more in person.
All of these items are currently in transit to my house, and I'm really excited to take pictures and coo about them when they get here. What's on your Juicy Christmas list this year? Leave a comment here and it will count as one entry toward the upcoming giveaway for the original Candy Cane charm (gold), which I will be posting more about later this week!